Eswatini Telecom tries their best to ensure you stay connected to the internet. We try to
keep our internet always on and we need to play you part to ensure you stay connected.
Modems are very sensitive to lightening and storms and replacing them is costly for us, at
times we are unable to replace your modem on time as our suppliers have their own delays
from time to time.
Your Modem Safety
Like computers, modems contain electronic circuitry that can be damaged by sudden power
surges or disruptions caused by nearby lightning or storms strikes. As these power surges
can travel through electrical and telephone wires, simply turning off the equipment may not
be enough.
To keep your modem as safe as possible and for a peace of mind after storm, turn your
modem off and unplug the power cords from the wall when you hear a storm approaching
or before you leave the house or office. In addition to pulling the plug on your ADSL/Wi-Fi
modem after you turn it off, disconnect the telephone line from the back of the modem
until the storm passes or when you return home.
Of course, you may not always be home when a storm or lightening hits. Adding a surge
protector or an uninterruptible power supply for your modem’s power cord and phone lines
may help shield your system from voltage spikes when you are not around to unplug things.
However, some voltage power maybe too much for some surge protectors, it is best to
disconnect your line and modem completely.
Turning it off is not good enough, the best thing to do is disconnect it completely from the
line and cables attached to it.
‘The storm is over!’ then what?
After the storm, if your modem does not connect or switch on, consider these options:
Reset Your Equipment – the storm or lightening can cause your router and/or modem to
freeze or lock up, like a computer sometimes does. Unplug your modem from the wall, wait
at least 60 seconds and then plug your modem back in. Wait another 60 seconds and then
plug your modem back in. Give this equipment a few minutes (up to five) to turn back on.
Call Us – can call us on 971 or 800 2000 our Contact Centre Agents will help you determine
the nature of the fault. Ideally, you should be near the modem to be able to explain and give
them a mental picture of how the modem is reacting. Alternatively call
24052381/76114886 if you are not getting any help on 971 and 800 200.
Troubleshooting – Contact Centre Agents will help you trouble shoot the problem by
walking you through a rebooting process. In most cases, troubleshooting helps resolve the
problem immediately and get you connected to you internet again.
Modem zap – the Contact Centre Agents will help you confirm if you modem has been
zapped and will advise you to take it to your nearest Eswatini.Net Internet Café/Service
Centre to have t fixed or replaced.
Service Outage – at times it may be a service outage – problem in the area you are at,
Contact C entre Agents will be able to assist you promptly and give you accurate information
on the nature of the fault and when likely to be resolved. Service outages are normally
resolved within hours.
Report and Follow-up a Fault – if troubleshooting does not help and it is not a service
outage, Contact Centre Agents will help you report a fault. Make sure you get the name of
the agent and a reference number before you hang up. The reference number will be it
easier to follow up on the fault. You need to follow-up on the fault until it is resolved.
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