Mbabane: Members of Parliament in the house of Assembly has selected a seven (7) member committee to find out what hinders the Minister of Finance Neal Rijkenberg to resolve the issue of import cars.
The selected committee has been given five (5) days to bring back a report of findings on the matter. The members of the committee includes the mover of the motion on import cars Siphofaneni MP Mduduzi Magawugawu Simelane, MP Macford Sibandze, MP Marwick Khumalo to name but a few.
The main mandate given to the committee is to find out what causes the Minister of Finance not to give a satisfactory resolution on the issue of import cars which has sparked fire in the society. This solution of the August house was taken looking at the fact that apparently the Minister of Finance is failing to give a satisfactory explanation and solution to the August house regarding the import cars.
Mid this month Minister Rijkenberg brought a response to the house where he tabled that he is willing to give an adjustment of age limit of the import cars from seven years to eight years.
The MPs proved to be dissatisfied by the Ministers response and they want the Minister to resolve the matter urgently as it is causing unrest in the society.
During the selection and the short but hot debate, the Minister was still not in the chambers as he arrived a bit later. Speaker Petros Mavimbela said the Minister would join the house anytime.
Meanwhile during the debate on the issue members of the public comprising of trade unions were outside the Parliament premises to deliver petition on the aforementioned issue of import cars.
Prior, on Tuesday members of the trade unions from SNAT and NASPAWU held a meeting with the Minister of Finance but clearly their meeting was not fruitful.
In a statement issued by SNAT Secretary General Sikelela Dlamini on Tuesday, the union gave its an analysis on the deliberation on the meeting. Dlamini said the Legal notice on imported cars is profit driven than insuring affordability on the part of the ordinary workers in procuring those cars.
The union suggested that government needs to tighten the loose bolts and close the gaps in the import Motor Vehicle Industry before imposing the legal notice. The legal notice has a high potential of condemning a majority of working unbearable vicious cycle of poverty.
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